Metastatic Breast Cancer patients need more research funding, not pink ribbons


Instead of sporting a pink ribbon this month, please take some time to learn about MBC and how you can help ensure that lifesaving research for it is funded.”

Throughout October, many Floridians will show their colors by participating in pink ribbon campaigns to fight against breast cancer. However, amid the deserved focus on this terrible disease, there remains a huge lack of awareness and research funding surrounding its only form that kills: metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

This month, which included National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day (October 13), is an ideal opportunity to learn more about this form of cancer – which claims the life of 116 people every day in the United States – and what can be done to fight it.

MBC, often known as Stage IV cancer, is breast cancer that has spread beyond just the breast to another part of the body, such as the brain, lungs, or liver. I have lived with this form of cancer for over eight years now. After six major surgeries and aggressive chemotherapy, I’m lucky that my scams currently show “No Evidence of Disease” (NED). Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean I’m cancer-free – MBC is incurable. I’m a “lifer” and face chemotherapy treatments every 21 days, along with the terrible side effects.

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