Metastatic breast cancer patients not getting the legislative support they need to survive


We need legislation that encourages innovation, not punishes it, both on the federal and state levels.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was given information about a support group by a social worker. Before I had a chance to go, I found out that I was actually metastatic, meaning the cancer had left my breast and spread to my bones, which is the definition of Stage IV.

The next time the social worker called me to see if I would be attending, I told her about my updated diagnosis, and I was uninvited from the support group. Her exact words were “the other women would be too scared.”

Those of us with metastatic, or Stage IV, breast cancer like to call ourselves the pink elephants in the room because no one wants to talk about or, sometimes, even to us. I get it, to a certain extent.

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