


has forced me to open my eyes fully and see the big picture.


At the age of 43, I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I had surgery to remove one infected lymph node and the upper right wall of my colon. Then I did 12 months of chemotherapy. Within a year of remission, I was diagnosed with a reoccurrence. Three large masses in my lower right abdomen compromising my bladder. I was told they were too big and spread out to be surgically removed and basically my only option was maintenance chemo to extend my life. I am now only 46 years old, and chemotherapy is no longer managing my tumors. My cancer is worsening now.

As of now, I am in between oncologists and haven't had chemo in over a month. My oncologists were very sweet but careless as far as reviewing my test results before sending me in for treatment. She gave me chemo while I had three major infections, which landed me in the hospital and almost killed me. She had a habit of just small talking with me, then sending me into the infusion center for treatment without thoroughly checking my labs and urine results first. She also danced around the topics of palliative care and a nutritionist when I would ask for it. I asked three times.

Finally, my pain specialist referred me to palliative care and also put in a pain pump to improve my quality of life. He has also referred me to another oncologist for treatment.

I have taken it upon myself to research alternative treatments and other methods such as treating last stage cancer as well as clinical trials. I am desperate to survive and go back into remission. So I had to take matters into my own hands.

I personally believe in medical marijuana and that God almighty created hemp for many purposes. And the government knows this, as well. But, yet again, cancer has become a very prosperous industry and humanity refuses to see that life is way more valuable than money.

So, I plan to meet this new oncologist and get his opinion, then decide myself which direction I should take. I am leaning more towards moving south where cannabis is actually used to render patients from the side effects and sickness of the poisons in chemotherapy and cannibal treatments and methods are used and more successful then all the chemotherapy drugs in the first place.

There are in fact many herbal remedies that cure hundreds of health conditions that are out there right where the Lord put them when he created the world and everything in it.

But the worst disease in the world is greed and a lack of compassion for our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Can you just imagine a world where paper money no longer ruled 95% of humanity and guided our medical professionals and our governments any longer? And herbal and household items were used as remedies to help cure illnesses instead of man-made chemicals with side effects normally worse than the actual symptoms that our illnesses first started out to be?

I pray for the world more then I pray for myself. We weren't created to profit and destroy mankind as well as the earth. We were given free will and his written words of how to survive and achieve prosperity.

My cancer journey opened my eyes to the wrongfulness of all things and people. Medical care should be free. Medication should be free and organically grown and or made from natural sources. I realize just how much more evolving the many forms of cancer continue to constantly grow. And I have watched mankind decline and rapidly deteriorate selfishly all because of money. Money truly is the root of all evil. And millions have and will continue to suffer and die from not only decreases such as cancer but because of the greed of human beings.

I am sure there are many man-made drugs and medications that do wonderful things for us, too. But who is to say if we made the right choices and lived healthier lifestyles the world would have so many illnesses, diseases, and toxic materials to begin with?

My cancer journey has already cost me many things I can never replace or get back such as time with my family and friends. But it has forced me to open my eyes fully and see the big picture. I just pray it doesn't take my life at this young age. I would love to enjoy watching my grandchildren become great people and help shape them into loving and caring human beings who appreciate every moment of life.

It also cost me my 20-year-old nephew four days ago. Harley Rogers who was a father and great person. As well as my father, sister, and many others whom I have shared photos of.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

MetathriverGary RickeIndiana